Cognitive Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss

The UK tops the European obesity league and has the highest level of adult obesity in Western Europe at 25%.  Over 60% of British adults are either overweight or obese, a staggering statistic.  Even more concerning is that 33% of Y6 children are also now either overweight or obese.

The human body has a natural tendency to store fat (a highly efficient energy reserve) as a consequence of our evolution that prepared us for the times of famine that regularly visited our distant ancestors.  Of course in today's developed societies famine is essentially non-existent, but our bodies continue to respond in the way they have evolved.

Some of the main contributors to the UK's excessive weight and obesity crisis are detailed in this NHS report, but on an individual level there are a multitude of drivers that could be connected to unhealthy eating, inactivity or the other habits that lead onto unwanted weight gain, with the underlying subconscious patterns driving the overeating behaviours quite often having nothing to do with food or exercise.

Sometimes unwanted weight gain can be indicative of more severe eating disorders such as binge eating, or binge eating cycles that may last for a period of months, alternating with periods of undereating.  I have also seen a number of patients who have developed an addiction to a certain type of food, the side effect being weight gain.

Our subconsious minds are constantly ticking away in the background of our day-to-day lives looking to keep us safe from harm and move us towards things that they think are good for us in some way.  That includes what food you buy and what you choose to eat once its yours.  Supermarkets in particular use many psychological tricks to try and make you buy more of what they would most like you to purchase.

With Cognitive Hypnotherapy we have a whole raft of modern psychological tools at our disposal, firstly to find out what mentally drives people to overeat, and then to help you restructure these underlying subconscious patterns so that you can develop a better relationship with food, comfortably achieve your target weight (and keep it there in the future), and live a healthier life.